
Create products

The WMS offers two options for creating products.

1. Import from Excel

If you are a new customer, all your products must first be imported into the WMS. If they are not in the WMS, this will slow down the inbound processing and the overall order process.

To make this process as smooth as possible, we have created an import document. You will receive a link from us to a shared folder containing an XLSX file. This can be opened using, for example, Microsoft® Office Excel or Apache OpenOffice™. By using all products here with all important details, the products can be quickly processed in the system.

How can I do this?

Please navigate to the Products page via the menu and click on this button called Import products

Screenshot of products overview page

On the Import products page you can first download a template file by clicking on the button Download sample file If you want to you can enter all the data of your products in this file.

Required data

At least the following data is required:

  • SKU
  • Name
  • Product sizes
  • Barcode of the product or barcode of the master box
  • Nr. of items in master carton
  • Nr. of items in inner carton

Import into WMS

When you have done this please save the excel-file and re-open the WMS. Open your Excel file with the Browse button.

If you want to be really sure the WMS understands your import file, please turn on Simulate the import. By turning this on the WMS will not actually create the products but it only checks if the format of the file is right.

When simulations is done successfully you can import the products by repeating the steps above but now with Simulate the import turned off.


2. Create product manually


Of course you can also manually create products in the WMS.

The minimum requirements from the WMS for a product are:

  • SKU
  • Product name
  • Supplier (No supplier yet? Click here)
  • Barcode/EAN
  • Product dimensions in centimeters (Length X width X height)
  • Product weight in kilograms

The other data is optional and/or not applicable to you. We do ask you to provide as much product information as possible to make the logistics process as simple and smooth as possible.

How do I reach this page?

Please navigate to the Products page via the menu and click on this button called Create product.

Screenshot of the products overview with the create new product button highlighted

Now the page is opened where you can create a new product.

Screenshot of the product create page
