
View, edit and delete a product

Go to the Products page via the menu . This will bring you (again) to the products page.

Click on the magnifying glass for the desired product. You will find this on the left.

Screenshow of a row in the products overview page

Then the page with all product information opens. This includes:

  • Name, description and image
  • SKU
  • Barcode/EAN
  • Dimensions
  • Inventory Details
  • Inventory lines (locations where the product is in the warehouse)
  • Last orders of the product
  • Last impacts of the product
  • Notes and events about the product

Screenshow of the product details page

Edit product

Remains on the product information page. Scroll down a bit until you see the Edit button on the right. Click on this Edit button:

Screenshow of the product details page

Now you come to the page where you can edit the product data. When you’re done, click Save at the very bottom.

Screenshow of the product edit page' save button

You’re done now. The product details have been adjusted.

Remove product

Remains on the product information page. At the top left is a button with delete on it. Clicking on this will remove the product.

Delete button

Create products