
Create a return

You should know!

You can only create a return for orders with the status Shipped.


To create a return navigate to the Orders page using the menu.

Look for the order you want to return.

Click at the desired order on the magnifying glass


You should be on the details page of your order. Now click on Create return on the top left of your page.


You should now get a pop-up where you can select the expected delivery date to our warehouse.


Fill in the date and click OK.

Your return has been successfully made. You can find it on the Returns page, use the menu to navigate to the page.

Generate and e-mail a return label

From now it is possible to automatically generate a shipping label while creating a return and e-mail it to the receiver.

This will be supported by DHL only for now, so it is important that your logistics service provider supports DHL als carrier. Contact your logistics service provider for more information.

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